MeetnGreetMe — The blockchain really experience travel around the world

tháng 4 26, 2018

What is MeetnGreetMe?

MeetnGreetMe is a global ecosystem where every traveler can request services tailored to their travel needs and budget. Delivered by resourceful local people and paid via blockchain enabled peer-to-peer payment system.

Combining peer-to-peer interactions and advanced analytics we aim at producing highly personalized behaviour-based offers and transforming travel experience into really personalized experience around the world.

MeetnGreetMe was designed to make travel experience a really personalized experience around the world and help travelers save their valuable time while outsourcing travel related tasks to dedicated and trustworthy local people.

MeetnGreetMe is a crowdsourced travel concierge service and lifestyle management ecosystem where every traveler can request services tailored to their travel needs and budget. Delivered by resourceful local people and paid via blockchain enabled P2P payment system.

Do you need help with organizing a bachelor party abroad? Or you want someone trustworthy to meet your parents at the airport, help with luggage and support all the way during their stay in a new city? Or perhaps you need someone to help you book the hottest night spots and guide you through the night life of the city?

MeetnGreetMe is designed to deliver customer-centric service tailored to travelers’ needs and make travel experience a really personalized experience around the world. This is the core value all the interactions are built around.

MeetnGreetMe platform provides an infrastructure for the value creation and enables value exchange between participants, sets the rules of access and usage to ensure that desirable interactions are encouraged and undesirable ones are totally eliminated.

Vision of MeetnGreetMe?

We aim at revolutionizing travel and hospitality industry via turning it into a crowdsourced ecosystem with decentralized elements where every member is incentivized to contribute with their time, skills, local expertise and resources to the MeetnGreetMe ultimate goal — help people from around the world travel carefree, enjoy personalized approach to their travel needs and savour authentic experiences wherever they are.

We see MeetnGreetMe as a community driven marketplace where all the parties will find an opportunity for self-expression and -enhancement through helping others and eventually will be rewarded by the community. Moreover, the background diversification of MeetnGreetMe community members will help to bring the blockchain technology to masses and popularize it among people around the world.

Advanced analytics and machine learning which will be later integrated will allow us to produce offers based on our customers’ behavior and radically change a way people approach the process of planning and arranging their travel related tasks and activities.
MeetnGreetMe services

From meeting upon arrival or accompanying during the stay to helping with organizing your life events or finding business contacts in a visited city, local MeetnGreeters are stuffed to deliver a wide range of tailor-made services to help international travelers to reach their travel goals and save time for things that matter.


+ Accompany during stay
+ Rent a car
+ Organize/Assist with events
+ Accompany to events
+ Drive to destinations
+ Book a hotel/apartments
+ Meet upon arrival
+ Interpret/Translate
+ Information on the local infrastructure and transport
+ Help with shopping

+ Information on culture, lifestyle and traditions
+ Book/buy tickets to events/sports games
+ Arrange travel tours to local attractions
+ Arrange a gastronomic tour
+ Personal city guiding
+ Nightlife hot spots guiding
+ Plan a trip
+ Charter a yacht, helicopter, etc.
+ Other request unique to the place of stay
+ Visit a party hosted by locals

Day-to-day issues
+ Assist with banking and money matters
+ Book personal care and services
+ Arrange a repair or an engineer visit
+ 24h information support
+ Make telephone calls
+ Find contacts
+ Buy flowers
+ Gift delivery

Business matters
+ Perform Internet research
+ Book a restaurant/make a recommendation
+ Perform personalized shopping and delivery
+ Provide business referral service
+ Take photos at events
+ Advice on business etiquette

+ Request health insurance
+ Arrange visits to doctors
+ Accompany to doctors
+ Sick care
+ Arrange sports activities

MeetnGreetMe ecosystem

MeetnGreetMe has been started as a peer-to-peer marketplace around a single core value — creation and transfer of personalized travel concierge services between peers.
After it was launched people with different skills and initiatives from around the world started to join the platform to contribute to its growth. Today MeetnGreetMe is a community -centric and -driven business and anyone is welcome to participate in accordance with their interests — as a MeetnGreeter, ambassador, author or co-creator, photographer etc.

To make it possible to reward all the MeetnGreetMe players for their contribution, not just MeetnGreeters, own crypto currency is introduced — WelcomeCoin. A share of WelcomeCoins is reserved to keep contributors’ initiatives going and hence fuel MeetnGreetMe growth.

WelcomeСoin makes it possible to incentivize MeetnGreetMe users to play different roles while all together contribute to the ecosystem development and accelerate the growth of the MeetnGreetMe platform around the world.


MeetnGreetMe platform was built to provide its users with the infrastructure essential for mutually beneficial interactions.
Today MeetnGreetMe platform includes such features as:
+ Profile creation and promotion;
+ Search and match of users in split of cities and predetermined filters;
+ Verification procedure;
+ Chat;
+ Sending and accepting service requests;
+ Rating and review system;
+ Notification system;
+ Balance management;
+ Integrated payment system;
+ Mobile messenger for Android (v1);
+ Blog.

To ensure the success of value creation and its exchange, the platform needs to be core interaction-centric, friction free and transparent.


While interactions are a core value, MeetnGreetMe is built around engaged, motivated and trustworthy value producers and buyers to keep the interactions going.
MeetnGreetMe participant is anyone who is willing to create value for MeetnGreetMe community members.

They can play the following roles:

MeetnGreeter — any individual who is willing to perform as a personal travel concierge for international traveler, has successfully gone through the established verification process and is ready to adhere to the ecosystem rules and principles.

Information support — any local individual who agrees to be assigned to support travelers online, answering different questions they face before and/or during their trip to this city.

Guest — an individual traveler or a group of travelers who needs personalized help with any matters in a city where MeetnGreetMe services are available.

Local business — a local company which can bring additional value to MeetnGreetMe customers, i.e. local restaurants, transfers, theatres and other local services providers.

Global partner — travel and hospitality companies whose business MeetnGreetMe can complement via bringing additional value to their customers (hotels, event organizers, cruise lines, airlines etc.).

Author and co-creator — an individual who is willing to share the local knowledge and produce the useful content for MeetnGreetMe community.

Ambassador — any individual who helps people to learn about MeetnGreetMe, brings new MeetnGreeters, Guests, and partners to the platform.

E-volunteer — any individual who is eager to donate their skills to MeetnGreetMe platform development. Advisors, photographers, local experts and anyone who feels their can help are very welcome here.

Curator — any individual who is ready to act as our eyes and ears.
Business developer — a MeetnGreetMe member who wants to help to grow MeetnGreetMe business and who is ready to bring ideas and execute them in their cities or on the global scale.

Utilizing smart contracts, MeetnGreetMe platform equips all the players to interact with each other in a transparent and trust-based way and drive innovation for travel and hospitality industry. We admit that for some time MeetnGreetMe team will continue to play some of those roles and continue to be a key player. At the same time MeetnGreetMe will work toward creating and supporting environment for establishing mutually beneficial relations between all the participants in a decentralized manner.

Details MeetnGreetMe token — WelcomeCoin

WelcomeCoin is ERC20 token. The system issues ERC20 (WEL) tokens (1) in exchange to the network’s internal currency — ether. ERC-20 Standard (EIP: 20 as of September 11, 2017) whose code is in open storage on Github (2) guarantees that tokens based on Ethereum will work in the crypto-tokens ecosystem in a foreseeable mode in future. Owners of these tokens totally control their assets in the Ethereum network without using any special software.

To fuel interactions within MeetnGreetMe ecosystem, incentivize desirable actions and ensure MeetnGreetMe growth MeetnGreetMe issues MeetnGreetMe token — WelcomeCoin.
A short name — WEL.

WelcomeCoin is a product token issued with the purpose to uniquely access a network, use and contribute to its development as well as been rewarded in accordance with individual efforts and contribution. People who put in more efforts will be entitled to more returns. Simply owning a token does not guarantee participation in reward distribution.

WelcomeCoins will run on the Ethereum blockchain and will implement the Ethereum ERC20 standard specifications. WelcomeCoin is backed by real MeetnGreetMe services. It means that WelcomeCoins available for sale are directly correlated with the number of service hours which can be acquired on the platform.

WEL is much more than just a means of payment. It’s an essential part of MeetnGreetMe philosophy of rewarding community and giving back for their contribution. Within the MeetnGreetMe ecosystem WelcomeCoin can buy what money can’t. WelcomeCoin is multifaceted in its essence and will support development of MeetnGreetMe in different directions.

We believe that holding WelcomeCoins will let MeetnGreetMe users feel more connected to the platform, feel motivated to grow it, because they will directly benefit from its growth and prosperity. Tokenizing and decentralizing the platform development we aim at providing everyone with the opportunity to be involved in building and growing such a community, where every member feels connected and enjoys the benefits online and offline.

Smart contracts

Tokens issue and control over funds transfers (ether) is carried out by a system of smart contracts coordinated with each other. Major contracts involved in the system during ICO:

1) Principal ICO contract
+ states a detailed description of bonuses and supervises their distribution;
+ describes pre-sale and main sale timeframes and controls the possibility to buy within the period of time;
+ imposes restrictions on tokens issue in each timeframe;
+ describes the process and lets every contract owner launch the mechanism to finalize the sale.

2) Token contract
Describes a standard ERC-20 token issued by the system. It also allows to finalize tokens issue evermore upon the sale termination.

3) Escrow multisignature wallet contract
Allows to escrow agents to control and validate funds transfers from an escrow wallet to the company’s wallet.

The project’s smart contracts are based on the framework’s modules to compose smart contracts of zeppelin-solidity (3). This framework was chosen because of an in-depth constant audit on the part of crypto community. It widely uses (4) recommended practices of writing the smart contracts (5) and abides by the major Security Considerations (6) of the Ethereum network.

All smart contracts code will be publicly visible on Github (+ its address).


MeetnGreetMe is built around a scalable business model. It operates in P2P, B2B2C and B2B segments:

P2P (peer-to-peer): Decentralized marketplace for concierge services for travelers from local people; Social network; Blog.

B2B2C (business-to-business-to-customer): Complementary tool to bring value to customers of MeetnGreetMe’s partners. Delivered by local people to the partners’ customers.

B2B (business-to-business): Targeted advertising place. Vendor agreements.
Token Issuance

MeetnGreetMe will issue 150 000 000 WelcomeCoins with 75 000 000 WELs available during the crowdsale.
Symbol: WEL
WelcomeCoin will be available for purchase with ETH.
Base WelcomeCoin price will be fixed to ETH during the crowd sale as following:
1 WEL= 0, 0004 ETH

A smart contract will be created to run the whole process of the crowdsale campaign. It will include a protective rule of a minimum goal. If the minimum goal is not reached all the participants will have a full refund of their contributions.
Otherwise, enabled by smart contract, contributors will be sent their tokens to their wallets right after the ICO ends. It will be possible to see the number of tokens the contributors bought right upon making their contribution in a real time.
Unsold WelcomeCoins will be put on ice for two years. Afterwards it will be released for adding up to community development via incentivizing desirable actions.

Every party participating in this Pre-ICO and/or ICO participates voluntarily and totally agrees that their participation does not entitle them to any right of ownership of any aspect of MeetnGreetMe business, including the company and affiliated entities, IP, business profits, as well as to the right to participate in decision making process unless WelcomeCoin holders are personally invited to.

Pre-sale of tokens will start on December 11 and continue till January 10 on the following terms. Early contributors will be rewarded with a bonus. The bonus rate will decrease with every 2 days, starting at 25% and ending with 10% on the last day of the pre-sale.

The total amount available for pre-sale shall not exceed 5 000 000 WELs. Part of it will be used to support marketing initiatives for the following crowdsale campaign. The rest will be summed up with the results of the main crowdsale and distributed correspondingly.

The exact date of the main crowdsale will be defined later (it will be March 2018) and will be on during 4 weeks. ICO will have a minimum cap of 1 000 000 USD. Early contributors will get a bonus. The bonus rate will drop with every week, starting at 9% and ending with 0% on the last week of the crowdsale.

The following terms will be applied to the ICO:
WEL/ETH: 0,0004
Soft cap: 1 000 000 USD / 10 000 000 WEL
Hard cap: 7 500 000 USD / 75 000 000 WEL

Token distribution

75 000 000 WELs (50% of all issued tokens) will be available for crowdsale with its further allocation to platform advancement, community development and platform growing & expansion.


December 2017 — March 2018: ICO
To realize MeetnGreetMe vision and turn MeetnGreetMe into a tool which changes a way people approach the process of planning and arranging their travel related tasks and activities, MeetnGreetMe will launch a pre-ICO in December and ICO in March 2018. We see it as a 1st step in introducing decentralized blockchain enabled elements.


Q1 2018 CRM
Advanced trust and Quality System introduced,
Decentralized curation strategy prepared,
Messenger for iOS launched,
Community leaders in key cities selected and trained,
Different roles users implemented
Marketing, PR and sales activities for defined cities launched

Q2 2018
P2P payment system is in action
Base of partners in selected cities developed
Advanced CRM system built
Community trained to pursue decentralized curation
Local MeetnGreeters in key cities trained and incentivized
Branding strategy development
Partnership with travel related businesses/meta searches established
Marketing, PR and sales activities for new key cities launched

Q3 2018
Role and location based database of partners introduced
Advanced tools for managing and promoting MeetnGreetMe profiles introduced
Sophisticated matching mechanism developed
New partners in new cities added

Q4 2018
Smart contracts for decentralized curation integrated
Local MeetnGreeters in new cities trained and incentivized, leaders
Functionality for advertising introduced

Q1 2019
Further expansion of service
Smart contracts for MeetnGreetMe services launched
Big data preparation

Q2-Q3 2019
Preparing and testing basic algorithms
Entering new markets

Q4 2019
Scaling algorithms



General Business Contact Information
Registration: MeetnGreetMe OÜ, Liikuri 10–107, 13618 Tallinn, Estonia

ICO website:


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